Sunday, October 27, 2013

FORTEAN FILES - Captain Creepy's UFO Sighting

On Friday, October 11th, 2013, Captain Creepy, Mrs. Creepy, and Junior Creepy were sitting in the back yard at a bonfire. At about 10:45pm directly over a tree in the yard of the next door neighbor to the east, there appeared a large white ball. It was approximately 100 feet above the tree top height. The object sat in place for a moment, then shot off directly to the east at an incredible speed, then disappeared from sight. The effect when it sped away reminded me of when the Enterprise would engage warp speed on Star Trek.
This was a very unusual sight. It was certainly not a plane, helicopter, or other normal flying craft. I can't imagine we have drones flying at such incredible speed. It was not a planet, a meteor, or shooting star. The trajectory and characteristics of the movement were undeniably controlled. All three of us witnessed this incredible phenomenon.
Very strange. And very Creepy.