This world we live in is very strange. Weird things happen all the time all across the Earth. Sometimes the very reality we live in can be called into question. Do any of us know the truth?
I thought I would write a little post rambling on about some crazy thoughts and ideas, none of which could possibly be real....could they?
Are there such things as ghosts? People have reported visions and encounters forever. Are all these people nuts, or misidentifying something else? Why when people see "ghosts" are the spectres usually wearing Victorian era clothing? How come you rarely if ever hear stories that people saw an apparition wearing a Metallica T shirt and jeans? Or work clothes? Seems odd to me. Not many ghosts sporting 3 piece suits carrying a briefcase, or even naked. Why does a ghost need clothes at all? Why do we think they are lingering spirits to begin with? Maybe they are angels, demons, someone bleeding through from a different dimension or reality if this exist. Why do we think the mysterious entity we saw in the darkness was good old Uncle Ralph? We have no idea what the damn things are. Could be just energy that hasn't dissipated. Energy from what, I have no answer. But something is there, isn't it?
Is Bigfoot real? If so, I doubt Bigfoot is an undiscovered ape walking around crossing the street in front of cars. Wonder where their bones and bodies end up after they die? There are those that think Bigfoot is an alien species. Or some type of paranormal entity. Maybe dropped here on this prison planet. Is Earth a prison planet? Did it start that way? Bigfoot traveling the space ways inside a UFO? Many reports indicate that. Strange as it may be.
Are we even "real" or do we exist in someone else's mind? Would that make us less?
Do Angels and Demons travel around in UFO's? Could be.
UFO's are real. Of this I don't doubt. There are many unidentified objects flying all over the place. What they are is a different matter. Are UFO's living beings of some sort or just cosmic cars like on The Jetsons? They can't all be top secret government aircraft.
Many people are too afraid to know the truth about any of this stuff. They could be right. Maybe it's better to not wonder about these things. Maybe we don't want to know what really has been going on. Maybe we can't handle the truth. The entire planet could be run by Satan himself or some small group of Alien beings. How about the illuminati? The 1% of the 1%.
Many believe the United States was founded as a Christian country. I'm not so sure about that. There was a lot of ritualistic ceremony and magic that went into play in the founding of the country. Are we so sure that this place wasn't actually set up as a Satanic or Luciferian state to begin with? Have we been lied to for centuries? Probably.
I have many questions but not a lot of answers. The people that think they have all the info and all the answers are the people that worry me. Why do so many insist on dismissing ideas out of hand? Must be great to have so much knowledge.
Do we live in a computer simulation? At this point I think that is a somewhat likely scenario. How insane does that sound? Yet it could be absolutely true.
What is real? Life? Or are we in the afterlife right now? How would we know? Are we just a thought in God's mind?
A thought that has been gaining steam recently is that all time runs concurrently. There is no yesterday, today, or tomorrow. All time exists at once. That would seem to make time travel a bit more plausible I would guess. Are UFO's time machines and the occupants time travelers from the future? Is it us? That idea is also out there.
How about the skeletons of giants that they have supposedly been finding all over the Earth for hundreds of years? Some with two rows of teeth, red hair, six fingers. Fascinating stuff to look into. I don't know why there are so few people that take the time to do a little research on such mind boggling concepts and ideas.
There is much more nonsense floating around in my noggin. Hopefully I will get some time to go deeper into my madness in future posts. Possibly to extrapolate on some of the crazy concepts I have been spitting, or maybe not. I'm only certain of one thing, and that is that there is one Hell of a lot more going on in this world we live in than what we are told. Creepy.