Well, the last quarter of 2013 was a blur. I was unable to do any posts down the stretch of the year, but it is a Creepy New Year. It's time to refocus and get this year off on the right foot.
I want to start the year off with a few looks back and some traditional top 10 lists. The first list is Captain Creepy's top 10 movies of 2013.
Normally I see quite a few movies throughout a typical year, but again, 2013 was so stinking busy that I didn't see nearly as many as usual. Therefore, there may be many top notch films that are not on my list because I haven't seen them yet. Oh well, I can only rate what I have seen, so, here we go.
10. GI JOE RETALIATION- I know, I know. Keep in mind I have been a GI Joe fan my entire life. I enjoyed this sequel to Rise of Cobra. It was just a fun movie and I liked Bruce Willis and The Rock. I love the Expendables movies and this one is in that same vein. A popcorn, silly ass action flick. Also dig Ray Stevenson who is a total bad ass as always.
9. THE LONE RANGER- See above. Ha. I have been a Lone Ranger fan my entire life. I enjoyed this movie. It was fun. Lots of action, silliness, and popcorn. Sound familiar? Look, I did like this movie. It was not as crappy and terrible as people were saying. I didn't go see The Lone Ranger to expand my mind or change the world, just to escape for a couple hours and be entertained. Johnny Depp I could not care one way or another, I actually would prefer a more serious Tonto, but it was still good fun.
8. THE WOLVERINE- This was better than the first one. I am a fan of the Japanese part of Wolverine's history in the comics, and this was a decent portrayal of a chapter of that. Good story, good action, enjoyable.
7. THOR THE DARK WORLD- I liked this Thor movie a lot more than the first one. I loved the cast including Anthony Hopkins.Christopher Eccleston as the Dark Elf Malekith was outstanding. Fun escapism. It is a cool mixture of sci fi with fantasy elements as well as our regular world.
6. LORDS OF SALEM- Rob Zombie makes movies that appeal to a very small percentage of the population. The good news is Captain Creepy falls into this very small percentage of the population. Lords of Salem is graphic, offensive, dark, bleak, and grinds along at a very slow pace. I loved it!
5. PACIFIC RIM- Larger than life monsters fighting giant robots. Right up my alley. Ridiculous and fun.
4. THE CONJURING- I enjoyed this very much. The cast was outstanding and it was a very creepy film. As someone who has followed the work of the Warrens and their family (John Zaffis) work for many years, that only added another level of enjoyment for me. Felt like an old school slow burner which I totally love. Great!
3.DJANGO UNCHAINED- Tarantino can do no wrong. Actually he does everything wrong, yet somehow it all works out incredibly to create such original, over the top, nonsensical awesomeness that it is hard to comprehend. When you sit in the theater watching Django, your jaw drops open and you can barely understand what Tarantino must have been thinking when he filmed this junk. It is incredible. Christoph Waltz is an amazing actor, and Leonardo was crazy good in this. Two thumbs up.
2. MACHETE KILLS- Robert Rodriguez falls into the same category as Tarantino of course. Machete Kills is so stupid and ridiculous, you either get it and love it, or don't really get it and hate it. I laughed so much during this movie. How do the actors keep a straight face during some of these scenes? Must have taken many takes to get some of these in the can. The cast is outrageously great. The writing is stupid and awesome. The direction is corny and dumb. The action is silly. I cannot wait for Machete Kills Again...In Space. Incredible!
And, in what should probably be a surprise to absolutely no one, Captain Creepy's number one movie of 2013...
1. EVIL DEAD- Of course when hearing they were going to make a new version of Evil Dead, which is my favorite franchise of all time, I was wary that they would mess this up and royally piss me off. Especially when they announced that Bruce Campbell would not be involved. However, I also heard Bruce give this project a thumbs up when it was nearing the release date, so I was intrigued by what this movie would be. This rates as my number one movie of the year even just for the fact that they pulled off the remake without screwing it up. Now, it's not like the original, obviously, but it was a well made, fun, and gory horror romp. There were nods and Easter eggs for the old time fans. There was Sam Raimi's Oldsmobile. It was suspenseful and fun, in a bloody chainsaw kind of way. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and was so relieved that they made a respectable new version of Evil Dead. Well done!
As I stated, I did not see a ton of movies in 2013, and a few that I still need to see that may well have made my list include Insidious2 and You're Next. World War Z is another one that I have yet to see, so I have no opinion on this yet either. Skinwalker Ranch and Willow Creek I have to see as well.Both of these look to be right up my alley.
There are a few Honorable Mentions that were very close to cracking the top 10. This list includes Hatchet 3, Star Trek Into Darkness, Iron Man 3, Dark Skies, and Man of Steel.A few of these were close, but couldn't quite crack the Creepy 10.
Be on the lookout for more Captain Creepy in 2014. Creepy out.
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