Friday, February 14, 2014


I have heard rumors that the Sy Fy Channel is under new management. The story is that the new big wigs are not fans of the glut of paranormal shows that have dominated the network for the past several years. Evidently they want to steer Sy Fy back to a more "science fiction" slant and away from the paranormal stuff.
Shows like the new Helix appear to be the style they may be heading toward. I have yet to see Helix, but it looks rather interesting and I need to check it out and see if it is my cup of tea. The new werewolf show is another one I haven't seen but plan to in the future.
Anyway, the rumor is we are going to see a noticeably reduced number of paranormal shows than we have become accustomed to from them. I have heard that Ghost Mine is done, Haunted Collector is done, Deep South Paranormal, Haunted Highway, and maybe Paranormal Witness. Supposedly this may also be the final season for the flagship title Ghost Hunters.
I have enjoyed Ghost Hunters for many years but must admit it has been losing steam for the last few years.Don't get me wrong,I still watch and enjoy many of these programs but all good things must come to an end sometime.Remember when the TAPS team would go to peoples houses and try to help families that were living in fear? Now they usually are sent to aircraft carriers, museums, or theaters. They go to businesses that want people to think they are haunted to drum up business and make money. It kind of pisses me off. That is why I really enjoy the Dead Files these days. Steve and Amy go to homes to help people. They have gone to some pretty ratty looking places. Who cares if there are strange noises on an out of commission aircraft carrier that is now a museum that you can pay money and walk through it and maybe hear a noise? A million people have walked on this ship but we think the ghost of Midshipman Jones that was stationed on here 45 years ago and sprained his ankle on the steps is haunting the place. We think it's him because the 80 year old steps squeak when you walk on them. Or an abandoned sanitarium that sits empty unless you want to pay money to walk through it.  I like to see them actually helping people that need help.
I realize that reality shows are anything but real, and they are forced to sign contracts that do not allow them to talk about what really happens when they are filming these shows, but let the buyer beware. When someone sells their soul for a paycheck they can compromise their integrity very easily. Now it's all about the jump cuts, theatrical music, and false scares. I mean really. As soon as the lights go out the disembodied voices start talking. Come on. Any semblance of reality has gone totally out the window. I still enjoy Tango and Steve walking around being silly but the shows are just not the same.
It's too bad, because I really like many of the people on these shows and they don't control the final product that hits the air waves. On a recent Ghost Hunters I believe I heard the words "What the hell was that", or some variation of those words, seven times in a one hour episode. Good grief. I think I heard an electronic voice phenomenon uttering the spooky words "jumped the shark."
So that whole thing was a huge tangent that I wasn't planning on writing but oh well. The point was that many of these shows may be starting to fade away and that may not  be a totally bad thing. Could be time for a change.

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