I have watched Ghost Hunters since it premiered in 2004. For many years it was one of my favorite shows. Episode after episode of these plumbers by day walking around at night trying to help their clients figure out what was going on in their house. They were genuinely interested in helping people.
Flash forward to fall of 2015. Ten seasons in and it just isn't the same. It seems these days that every investigation that TAPS conducts is for a business or a larger entity rather than in the home of a regular person. Problem can be that it's really good publicity for a business to be haunted, or at least allegedly haunted. Brings in curious customers. Now our erstwhile investigators of the unknown investigate hotels, culinary institutes, libraries, and museums. Nothing wrong with it, just not the same as helping the scared family on the outskirts of town. There is a large team of investigators and we don't get the behind the scenes personal touches that the early seasons had. It seems much colder, sterile, and formulaic. Remember when there would be entire investigations where nothing paranormal or particularly odd happened? Now there is something odd within the first ten minutes of every investigation. Footsteps upstairs, a door opening or closing on its own, whatever. The thought may be that if nothing spooky happens why would anyone watch the show. Well, how about because of a thing called realism. Even if a location is known for some odd things happening there, it doesn't always take place as soon as you walk in the door. Give me a break. I don't blame the cast of the show. They are under contract to do what they are told and not disclose anything, and they don't edit the episodes. Come on though, if as a viewer I need to see something creepy happen before the first commercial break, I can watch a scripted horror show. This is suppose to be real and believable and unscripted isn't it?
Another problem lately is that no matter what evidence the team turns up and no matter what they experience Jason tells the client that there isn't anything to be afraid of and that no one is in any danger and no need for concern. Nothing evil is afoot. Well, when every damn investigation there is tons of activity but no cause for concern, after a time you wonder what is the point. Are they looking for explanations for life after death, are they searching for meaning for their own existence? Trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe? Or are they, at this point, bringing publicity to a struggling bar or hotel that will generate business and hopefully put some money in some pockets?
Captain Creepy has had a chance to meet some of the members of the TAPS team and they are all very nice and cool people, so I don't mean to disparage them by any means. It is just frustrating to see something that use to be so interesting spiral into the abyss.
I have watched every episode of the series and will continue to do so, but let's face it, the shark has most definitively been jumped. It is time to hang up the K2 meters and end this. Maybe then the good folks from TAPS can get back to helping real families that are scared in their homes. That can probably never happen now though, as the cult of personality is too prominent. Some of the cast may be able to springboard into other opportunities and I don't blame them in any way, shape, or form if that is the case. Strike while the iron is hot and make hay while the sun shines, because the sun is setting on a once really great show. Ghost Hunters, it's been fun.
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